New Zealand’s Methamphetamine Epidemic: Family Forced to Evacuate Contaminated Home

meth lab

The average home meth lab looks nothing like the set of Breaking Bad

Thinking of emigrating to New Zealand?

Did you know the country has the third highest rate of methamphetamine (aka Meth, Cystal Meth, P or Pure ) use in the world?

Meth manufacture and use is widespread throughout New Zealand. The chemicals used to ‘cook’ the expensive, highly addictive and dangerous drug (and the drug itself) can be absorbed into the fabric of a building, where they remain in dangerous quantities and have serious effects on the health of the people living there. Two forms of meth are cooked in New Zealand: free base (methamphetamine base) and a hydrochloride salt (methamphetamine hydrochloride),

If you’re thinking about buying, or renting, a home in New Zealand you’re advised to have it checked out for meth contamination. A family of seven from the  little town Tokoroa (pop. 13,600 and declining) are the latest forced to evacuate their home

A family of seven has been left stranded by their landlord when the house they rented tested six times over the national safety limit for P residue.

Tara-Leigh, who only wants to be known by her christian name, and her partner were forced to sleep in their car when a cleansing order was put on their Tokoroa house by the South Waikato District Council.

The couple was shocked to learn they had been living in a P house since the end of June after a neighbour told them three weeks ago…

An increase in the use of the drug has fuelled a rise in insurance claims for damage caused to buildings during the manufacture of the drug. In 2010 a spokesman for the NZ  Insurance Council estimated the costs were between $5 million – $10 million.

Meth labs don’t just present a hazard because of the nature of the drug that is being manufactured but there is also the risk of property damage due to explosion and fire. Waste products may be dumped in the surrounding area where your kids play, or diffuse into your property. Drug dealing goes on around P houses and the streets are busy night and day with people calling at the house, there are increased levels of crime.

If you want to learn how to spot a meth house read How to tell if a P lab is operating in your neighbourhood

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